DeepLinkNow iOS SDK

DeepLinkNow iOS SDK provides robust deep linking and attribution capabilities for iOS applications. The SDK enables seamless handling of deep links, deferred deep links, and user attribution tracking.


  • iOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5.0+
  • Xcode 13.0+


Install via CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager:


Add this to your Podfile:

pod 'DeepLinkNow'

Swift Package Manager

Add the package in Xcode: - File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency - Enter package URL:

Getting Started

Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate:

Deep Linking

The SDK provides comprehensive deep linking capabilities.

Creating Deep Links

Create deep links with custom parameters:

var customParams = DLNCustomParameters()
customParams["referrer"] = "social_share"
customParams["is_promo"] = true
customParams["discount"] = 20

let deepLink = DeepLinkNow.createDeepLink(
    path: "/product/123",
    customParameters: customParams

Handling Deep Links

Register and handle deep links with the router:

let router = DLNRouter()

router.register(pattern: "product/:id") { url, params in
    if let parsed = DeepLinkNow.parseDeepLink(url) {
        // Access route parameters
        let productId = params["id"]

        // Access custom parameters
        let referrer = parsed.parameters.string("referrer")
        let isPromo = parsed.parameters.bool("is_promo") ?? false
        let discount ="discount")

        // Handle the deep link
            id: productId,
            referrer: referrer,
            isPromo: isPromo,
            discount: discount

Deferred Deep Linking

Check for deferred deep links during app launch:

Device Fingerprinting

The SDK automatically collects device information for attribution:

Custom Parameters

The DLNCustomParameters struct provides type-safe access to parameters:

Error Handling

The SDK provides specific error types:

Universal Links

Configure Universal Links in your app:


1. Add Associated Domains capability 2. Add domain to entitlements:


Handle Universal Links in your app delegate:

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
    if userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb,
       let url = userActivity.webpageURL {
        return DeepLinkNow.handleUniversalLink(url)
    return false

Best Practices

Follow these best practices for optimal SDK usage:

Early Initialization

Initialize the SDK in application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

Error Handling

Implement proper error handling for SDK operations

Type Safety

Use the provided type-safe methods when accessing parameters


Test deep links in various scenarios (cold/warm launch)